Beyond the Bell is a collective impact initiative, responding to place-based problems through place-based interventions.
We adopt a collaborative approach to facilitate community driven initiatives by working with local partners and agencies to support children and young people to be engaged with education from birth to young adulthood. We view educational attainment as a continuum from 0-25 and innovate at every stage to give our young people the best life opportunities.

Beyond the Bell supports children and young people to thrive by:

Supporting Social and Emotional Wellbeing so that children and young people are resilient and well connected.

Increasing access to services and pathways to Support Disadvantaged Young People to engage in education.

Promoting education so that children, young people and families are Engaged in Learning and aspire to meaningful careers and jobs, preferably in the South West region.

Creating Collaborative Practice between thought leaders and change makers in the Great South Coast to interrogate data, undertake research and tackle the wicked problems facing our young people.
Beyond the Bell uses a Collective Impact approach to drive place based, community wide change so that our children and young people can thrive. Collective Impact is a framework that encourages collaboration across government, business, philanthropy, non-profit organisations and community members. Collective impact aims for transformational change. This is based on the premise that complex problems require a radical shift in the way they are solved, and the solutions themselves will both require and cause significant systemic changes.
Beyond the Bell works to bring the many stakeholders in the Great South Coast who are involved in the delivery of programs, services and education to improve outcomes for our children and young people together. Coordinating our efforts and developing a mutually reinforcing plan of action means that together we can enable our children and young people to thrive in education.
Beyond the Bell is guided by our Theory of Change.

The four priority areas guide the work of the Beyond the Bell collective.
The three overarching themes of culture access and families along with our values and principles centre our work.
To actively work with communities to enable children and young people in South West Victoria to engage in education and successfully transition through key stages of their learning.
All children and young people are connected to education and engaged in their learning.

1. Culture:
the beliefs and attitudes that determine how the families, parents and others in the Great South Coast region behave, interact, and access services and how agencies and organisations work together, support each other.
2. Access:
has a dramatic impact on educational attainment. Access to services due to distance and cost and lack of transport; access to higher education and role models; and access to opportunities to experience cultural activities to name a few.
3. Families:
Family structure and background is known to affect educational engagement and attainment, including parent education levels, occupations, household income, size and attitudes towards education. Many of the Beyond the Bell interventions and activities are based on family centred practices.
The following priority areas are also interconnected and draw on the above themes.
- Social and Emotional Wellbeing
- Disadvantaged Young People
- Engagement with Learning
- Collaborative Practice
Our goal: Vulnerable children and young people are able to access services and pathways when and where needed.
A student’s family background plays a large role in determining their educational pathway. At all stages of learning and development, there remains a strong and persistent link between a young person’s socio-economic status, culture and educational outcomes.
Disadvantaged Young People work:
Stepping Stones to School in Glenelg, Casterton, Southern Grampians and Moyne – improving kinder to school transitions for vulnerable families.
Our Goal: Children, young people and their families are engaged in education and training and aspire to meaningful careers and jobs.
There is evidence that positive parental engagement in learning and education improves academic achievement and educational attainment. Evidence also suggests that school engagement and attendance is linked to better educational outcomes. Research suggests that clear visible and attainable pathways to attractive training and employment options assists with educational attainment.
Our Engagement with Learning work
Engagement in Learning Project – Glenelg – an initiative exploring the barriers for children and young people engaging in school and learning.
Our Goal: High performing Beyond the Bell governance, systems and partnerships
Effective light weight governance ensures the future success of Beyond the Bell, with the support of strong leadership and region wide commitment. Strategic partnerships with all government sectors, philanthropic organisations, community organisations, businesses and citizens are also critical for long term sustainability and viability.
Our Collaborative Practice work
Collaborative Table – regional group of thought leaders leading regional change .
Our Board – light governance of the initiative.
Our Community – working within the collective impact framework.