Young people from across south west Victoria are needed for the Beyond the Bell Youth Conversations Phase 2 project.
Interested people aged between 12-19, from all six local government areas, are encouraged to join the conversation to plan and action initiatives in the community.
Beyond the Bell Youth Conversations project officer Rachel Wilks said a minimum of one young person is needed from each LGA.
“We want to make sure the representation is as wide as possible,” Ms Wilks said. “It is important we make sure young people are driving this phase of the conversation and work ahead.
“The young people involved will form a reference group in 2022. They will receive training and be able to build their own advocacy, leadership and teamwork skills which they can take back to their own communities.”
The Youth Conversations Phase 2 project will build on the recently released Phase 1 report (find the report here) which heard from over 700 young voices regarding education, training, community and future employment opportunities across south west Victoria.
“Nine recommendations were identified in the Phase 1 report,” Ms Wilks said. “The Phase two reference group will examine these and select their top priority areas they believe young people in our communities want actioned.
“All of the work will be done in line with the Beyond the Bell strategic plan focus areas of social and emotional wellbeing, disadvantaged young people and engagement with learning opportunities for young people across our region.”
The areas to be examined include education and career pathways, community engagement and the impact of the pandemic on children and young people in south west Victoria.
“This project aims to collaborate with local young people and select strategies and plan actions to support education and learning engagement throughout the region,” Ms Wilks said.
Executive Officer, Kate Roache can’t wait to hear the ideas and innovations the young people will come up with.
‘They have guided the development of the first Youth Conversations report and are the key to driving this next piece of work for the region,” Ms Roach said.
Expressions of interest are being sought young people who wants to be a part of this project. If you know, or are a 12–19-year-old living in south west Victoria who would like to be a part of the next conversation email [email protected].